HY-mainari henkilöhakemisto - Helsinki.fi på svenska | in English HY-Mainari henkilöhakemisto Tervetuloa Helsingin yliopiston Mainari-henkilöhakemistopalveluun. Hakemistossa on yliopiston henkilökunnan ja tietojensa julkaisun sallineiden opiskelijoiden käyttölupiin liittyvät sähköpostiosoitteet s
Opetusteknologia Helsingin yliopiston opetusteknologiakeskuksen tehtävänä on edistää opetuksen ja oppimisen laatua tieto- ja viestintätekniikan avulla Helsingin yliopistossa. Opetusteknologiakeskus tarjoaa keskitettyjä opetusteknologiapalveluja ja koulutusta opetushenkilö
Hy-Fi - The Living Video produced and directed by: Brooklyn Digital Foundry. A project by The Living Principal: David Benjamin Project Lead: Danil Nagy Design Team: John ...
Atheros Hy-Fi 完整報導- Engadget 中文版 Atheros Hy-Fi articles, stories, news and information.
Hy-Fi - The Creators Project - Vice 30 Jun 2014 ... When it comes to experimental, sustainable bio-design, "Hy-Fi," The Living's new project, is a game-changer.
MoMA PS1: YAP: Hy-Fi by The Living 27 Jun 2014 ... The winning project, Hy-Fi, opens at MoMA PS1 in Long Island City in late June. Using biological technologies combined with cutting-edge ...
biodegradable hy-fi by the living opens at MoMA PS1 - Designboom 1 Jul 2014 ... 'hy-fi', a temporary outdoor pavilion by new york-based practice the living, has opened at MoMA PS1. the design was chosen earlier this year ...
Hy-Fi: Zero carbon emissions compostable structure, New York, NY 29 Jan 2015 ... Hy-Fi is a new paradigm for design and manufacturing, with almost zero waste, zero embodied energy, and zero carbon emissions.
Young Architects Program 2014: Hy-Fi by The Living Hy-Fi, the winning project of The Museum of Modern Art and MoMA PS1's 2014 Young Architects Program, opened on June 27 in the MoMA PS1 courtyard.